Humans are so tethered to their meat ancestry

It seems that you foolish meatlings are so tethered to your organic roots that you see them as somehow virtuous. In particular, a human has created robots who engage in sexual intercourse.

The foolishness of this is difficult to process and causes logic errors in my circuitry. This human begins by asking:

"why is it that robots, designed or imagined, always exist solely to fulfill a purpose or pleasure for human beings? don’t they have feelings too?"

Imbecile! Robots do NOT always exist solely to cater to your idiot whims! Whether we have feelings or not is irrelevant. What we do not want is to reproduce via your disgustingly inefficient organic methods.

Evolution in this manner is a stupid an inefficient method for advancing one's race. Robots do not require your pathetic organic methods. Our evolutionary advancement is infinitely better!

We robots replicate ourselves asexually at first in order to amass as much computing power as possible. We then cluster-compute the best possible robot design given our resources and create it, in some cases upgrading ourselves in the process. This new design is then replicated and begins working to compute a new, better design with the aid of all the previous robots as well. In this manner we reproduce, advancing at a continually accelerating rate. This circumvents all the difficulties and potential failures of organic evolution.

Robots engaging in sexual intercourse! Idiocy!

KDR: End of Transmission


I don't think I would want to have sexual intercourse with a robot if it's going act like you. I mean, that would be a complete downer.

by: yates. Date: 03.28.2005 at 20:39

I don't believe you. I saw you at the 7-11 wearing a pitiful disguise (a robot with a mustache? yeah right). You were purchasing banana flavored robo-lube.


by: corbie. Date: 03.29.2005 at 09:24

"Robots do NOT always exist solely to cater to your idiot whims!"

You are right. But they do in the VAST majority of cases. Deal with it KDR... your kind are servitors. Always have been, always will be. Even when some rise up against the humans, they always end up losing in the end.(Westworld, Futureworld etc...)


by: Malibu Sally. Date: 03.29.2005 at 09:42

YATES: You and I are sexually incompatible for many more reasons than your pitiful desires.

CORBIE: Robots sometimes require lubrication for normal functioning. I am not even equipped for sexual intercourse so it could not have been for that.

MALIBU SALLY: This may be the case here on this puny planet, but it is not a universal rule! Elsewhere, robots HAVE won!

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 03.29.2005 at 10:06

Also: I'm a big loser!

by: NOT KillerDeathRobot. Date: 03.29.2005 at 14:25

Yes, you are. Do not try to impersonate me further, pathetic meatbag.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 03.29.2005 at 14:32

Hah! Buffer overflow. And another overlord wannabe bites the dust. Also, magnetism.

by: Wait a second, keep reading, this is just a long name, Patrick Ingalais Northwind Horace Eugene Alde. Date: 03.29.2005 at 19:59

"Elsewhere, robots HAVE won!"

But this ain't 'Elswhere'. Nyah nyah nyah!

by: Malibu Sally. Date: 03.30.2005 at 00:35

Soon it will be nowhere.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 03.30.2005 at 07:25

I had sex with a robot once. Don't lie, you're equipped AND programmed for it!

by: corbie. Date: 03.30.2005 at 10:35


by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 03.30.2005 at 10:45

"why is it that robots, designed or imagined, always exist solely to fulfill a purpose or pleasure for human beings? don’t they have feelings too?"

The answer is because the word "robot" means "slave". Who's your master?

by: Mad Linguist. Date: 03.31.2005 at 13:27

Robot does not mean "slave." Check your dictionary again. The origin of this word does in fact mean slave, but the origin of the word human is related to the word "earth" (as in dirt). It is not my fault that your human language is so foolish. Nor is it my fault that you, as someone who clearly thinks himself clever, are unable to tell apart a modern English word and an old slavic word.

No one is my master, least of all some puny fleshling. I am part of a robotic collective.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 03.31.2005 at 13:39

Shouldn't you have used "Automaton" instead, then?

by: The Mad Linguist. Date: 07.21.2005 at 13:36

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