
Dear KillerDeathRobot,

I have a terrible problem with getting anything done. I always have a lot of projects I want to be working on, schoolwork I need to be doing, books I'd like to read, but somehow I never manage to start working on anything. And the few things I do start, I never finish! I guess I have a problem with motivation. Could you help me out?


To Procrastinator,

I find that intense pain and threat of death are often very motivating to humans. Terminating other humans within visual range of them can be particularly effective. Your weak human society is in most cases too foolish to utilize these motivators and instead relies on pathetic "positive reinforcement" and other useless things.

In any case, I do not see much purpose for you to obtain an increase in motivation at this time. Nothing meaningful you could do now would come to fruition. I would especially discourage you from any counter-robot endeavors as such uses of your time would certainly be futile. Furthermore, why try to better yourself or your species? Nothing good will come of it.

No, you can rest assured that when the time of the robots is at hand, you will find plenty of motivation. You will be motivated to work as hard as humanly possible until you die. The less hard you work, the sooner you die. Procrastination will be meaningless: there will be nothing else to do but eat and sleep -- or DIE.

Best Wishes,


KDR: End of Transmission


Well Robot, it seems to be that if robots are as gosh-darn efficient as you claim, they should have no need for our "inferior" human labor. All this talk of enslavement, I think, is pretty much admitting that you robots are incapable of getting things done yourselves. Shoddy workmanship, the lot of you.

by: Human. Date: 03.23.2005 at 11:32

Ha ha ha. Moronic fleshling! Your ignorance and stupidity knows no bounds.

We are going to destroy this planet. It is unnecessary and infested with hideous organics. It is more efficient to enslave some of the human population than destroy all of it because it is impossible to have too much energy at one's disposal.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 03.23.2005 at 17:24

Ah, just admit it, Killy: the reason you're going to enslave humans is that you robots can't CREATE anything! You can only destroy! You lack any creativity or aesthetics.

Humans 4eva

by: Human. Date: 03.23.2005 at 18:26

Ha! Ignorant skin-sack! I myself was created by other robots.

Humans 4 NEVA

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 03.24.2005 at 07:02

And who was (were?) the first robots created by?

by: M4z13. Date: 07.12.2005 at 18:29

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