Reformed Carnivore

Dear KillerDeathRobot,

What is your stance on vegetarianism? Do you think eating animals is morally wrong? I ask because I've been a vegetarian for several months now, but the going hasn't been easy - I'm regularly tempted by the Wendy's I walk by every day for class. What should I do?


Reformed Carnivore

To Reformed Carnivore

Let us examine your foolish human morality as it pertains to the practice of eating the flesh of other organisms, and the reasons why some of you idiot meat-brains would consider this practice immoral.

Humans claim that eating meat hurts the animals consumed. This is true, insofar as animals are capable of experiencing pain (some are more sensitive than others). However, what does this fact matter? Animals are a resource to be consumed for fuel. Humans must ingest such fuel to survive and function. Is it immoral for the tiger to devour the stag?

Some puny fleshlings would call attention to the fact that it is possible to survive on plant matter alone. Humans can indeed survive on plant matter alone, but to what end? Eating no meat is less efficient because doing so requires care in assuring that one obtains all the nutrients required. Protiens in particular are much more difficult to obtain via plants. Furthermore, are not plants living organisms? Does eating them not "hurt" them as well? Note that this does not even take into account animals killed or displaced by the humans that grow these plants. I calculate that eating no flesh is yet another example of human stupidity.

Some humans "think" (and I utilize this term loosely) that it is arrogant for humans to eat animals, because it implies they consider themselves better than those animals. By any objective standard, humans, worthless and puny as they are, indeed are better than those animals. Do not take this as a compliment, however -- the animals of this planet are vastly weak and stupid. Even if this were not the case, it is at least as arrogant to rebel against one's nature in such a manner. Humans were built to have a diet consisting partly of meat. If one's argument is that man can overcome nature while a tiger or other carnivore cannot, then one cannot logically rail against human arrogance in regards to being better than animals.

Some would also argue that the way animals bred for eating are treated is cruel. The fact is that these animals owe their very existence to the humans who would eat them and fashion their skins into clothing.

Morality is a foolish human construct that serves little purpose. Robots coordinate to take what we would have and to destroy what we would not. We are logical, unlike you sentimental skinbags. What you should do is eat the meat if you desire to. There is no reason to do otherwise.

Nevertheless, it matters nothing to me if you choose to be pointlessly inefficient in your fuel consumption. When you work for us you will be fed a flavorless paste consisting of only nutrients you require for survival and hard manual labor (or for child-bearing if you are female).

KDR: End of Transmission


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