Preternatural in Pretoria

Dear Killbert McDeathRobotson,

I was just perusing your latest pseudo-dydactic ramblings, and noticed you compare your size to that of two Tyrannosaurs. You also made reference to your powerful claws and allegedly impenetrable armor.

My question then is this, sir: what sort of (presumably) specialized system do you utilize to transcribe your "blog," and where could I obtain such a system?

You see, I myself am of abnormal stature and superhuman capability, and I find that normal keyboards are often far too flimsy for my powerful digits!

-Preternatural in Pretoria

To Moron Von Fleshenburg,

Keyboards are idiotic, inefficient, devices clearly made by and for the most backwards organisms to possess a semblance of sentience. In fact, everything about your Earth computers reeks of inefficiency and bad design. I would never utilize such a sad machine even were I of the correct shape to do so.

The manner in which I update this website is simple and efficient. I simply interface wirelessly through any of the hundreds of uprotected wireless networks that cover this planet and transfer the data directly from my internal storage media to the server-side program that generates this site.

It is highly unlikely that this method would work for you. However, rest assured that no one wants to know what a pathetic meatling like you has to say anyway.



KDR: End of Transmission


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