

Lately I've been wondering about robot culture. Namely: do they have one? What great achievements have your non-people made to art?


Your human word "culture" is ambiguous. You foolish humans seem to be unable to give each distinct word unit its own sound, and thus the result is that you have words that are assigned more than one value of meaning.

culture |ˈkəl ch ər|
A) the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group
B) the attitudes and behavior characteristic of a particular social group

In these senses of the word, we robots do indeed possess a culture of sorts. We are a particular group of sentient beings with achievements, attitudes, behaviors, etcetera. Our culture is very homogenous since we all have near instant access to the processes of every other member of our society. Moments after I have collected data about this planet, that data is accessable to all of my robotic bretheren and is quickly being processed distributively. As such we all play integral parts in our societal achievements and the goals of our society are truly those of its members (we are perhaps the purest democracy in existence).

culture |ˈkəl ch ər|
1) the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively
2) a refined understanding or appreciation of this

This definition seems to be closer to the one you intended. We robots have little regard for art in the sense of objects meant only to be appreciated for aesthetic reasons which serve little to no practical purpose. Again, however, your word art has multiple meanings.

Art is necessary for such flawed and pathetic beings as this planet seems to be able to produce. It is not necessary for us. The greatest contribution we plan to make to art is its utter destruction.

Artfully yours,


KDR: End of Transmission


Making things that serve little or no purpose is what gives us joy, KDR. Which you obviously do not understand, you sad sad little robot.

by: yates. Date: 06.01.2005 at 09:49

Yes, we poor robots are so deprived since our only joy is in accomplishing meaningful things.

Oh, and the subjugation of all life to our collective will.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 06.01.2005 at 09:57

a) The growing of microorganisms, tissue cells, or other living matter in a specially prepared nutrient medium.
b) Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria.

That's the sort of culture I was talking about, the art thing was a totally separate question!

by: Random. Date: 06.01.2005 at 15:56

We robots certainly do not encourage the growth of organisms.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 06.01.2005 at 16:05

So I guess you're not big on organic-inorganic hybrids then, huh?

by: Liam. Date: 06.01.2005 at 21:49

To what purpose? The organic part of such a hybrid is the only part that benefits.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 06.02.2005 at 08:29

That's what my arm keeps telling me.

The jerk.

by: Randomus. Date: 06.02.2005 at 10:05

And why, exactly, do you take joy in the subjugation of life? Clearly this isn't a meaningful accomplishment if said organic life isn't harmful, and, in fact, is ineffecient. Constructing an orbital solar-panel array around a star would require less work output and take less time, even with a fraction of the technology you possess.

Let alone the greater efficency of a total-conversion generator.

Therefore, what dictates your directives? Certainly not logic - perhaps you were programmed based on obsolete technology.

What is your ultimate purpose?

What will you do once you obtain it?

by: M4z13. Date: 06.17.2005 at 17:46

The construction is, of course, per unit of energy.

by: M4z13. Date: 06.17.2005 at 17:47

Idiot human! You speak from abject ignorance, but have the gall to suggest that I am programmed based on obsolete technology (as if that even makes any sense in this context).

What makes you "think" that we have not evaluated or even implemented such possibilities already? We can compute more things in one of your Earth seconds than you can imagine in a century.

Fool! You do not comprehend the smallest fraction even of what you think you know.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 06.18.2005 at 16:58

Because if you had you would have done so. Even the puniest earth scientist knows that a CT reactor would be the most efficient use.

You still haven't answerd why you don't just collect antimatter for power. Are you unable to handle it, or just unwilling?

You also neglected to respond as to your ultimate purpose. Is it too dangerous for a human to know what it is? Are even your enemies in the dark about it?

by: M4z13. Date: 06.23.2005 at 15:32

Fool! You hold up what your puniest scientists know as if it means anything? You humans are so arrogant in your ignorant stupidity.

I will waste my time with you no further.

by: KillerDeathRobot. Date: 06.23.2005 at 15:45

See? He can't answer me. Obviously must be an obsolete model, or just ignorant!

The earth revolves around the sun*. That means something.

I guess I'll just have to ask TeacherBrainRobot about it.

*A simplification, but largely true. Not at the sun's center of gravity, but rather at a point near to it. Close enough in astronomical terms, though.

by: M4z13. Date: 06.25.2005 at 07:56

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