
I have obtained human employment! I have effortlessly infiltrated your human professional realm. I accomplished this by very quickly indexing every job available in the area of this planet which I currently inhabit and subsequently sending thousands of applications near-instantaneously, each tailored with the exact qualifications the employers desired.

In a short period of time, I had many offers to choose from. As my calculations predicted, none of the interviewers I interfaced with remarked whatsoever upon my metallic appearance for fear of being accused of racism. These puny human interviewers could not help but be overwhelmed by my excessive talent and skill and perfect answers to all their pathetic questions. Thus I had available to me a wide spectrum of positions.

My calculations showed that employment in the field of technical support would possess the highest potential for company-sanctioned torture of humans, as well as robotic amusement. Thus I have taken such a position.

KDR: End of Transmission


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